In 2017, the Philippine Department of Transportation started the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP), with the goal of making the country's public transport system productive and environmentally friendly by 2020. The said program suggests the phasing-out of jeepneys, buses, and alternative service vehicles (or PUVs) that are 15 years old, and their replacement with safer and environmentally-friendly alternatives over the following 3 years. Currently, there 220,000 jeepney units working throughout the country.
The replacement of vehicles needs a Euro 4-compliant engine or an electric engine in order to reduce pollution. Some even proposed that it should have CCTV cameras, Panta Transportation Payment Terminal, speed limiters and GPS monitors.
The Land Bank of the Philippines estimates that every jeepney replacement would cost around ₱1.4 million to ₱1.6 million. However, based on an interest rate of 6% per annum and a payment period of 7 years, the actual cost of a jeepney reaches ₱2.1 million.
Some transport groups have criticized the program as "anti-poor". These groups have identified that within the program, most drivers and small-time operators would be unable to afford replacement units and company entities would seek to monopolize the market and impose fare hikes on commuters.
Amor B. Reyes | Regina Lucis High School